I have had some special requests for this site.
So I have posted a picture of the desk area. Note that the papers that were piled on the printer are gone and the pile of papers in the stacker has decreased.
To some this may not look neat but this is as good as it gets in my place. What you can't see is almost a whole file drawer thinned out and shredded. I find having the shredder right next the desk makes it easier to keep the paper down to a minimum.
Another request made by a follower, is can he post a before and after picture. By all means, we need successes here to show others that there is hope and the clutter can be manageable.
Lastly, someone posted that he needed tips on getting rid of the clutter in his mind. I can definitely relate to this issue. Any tips that my followers can suggest that worked for you, please let us all know. I find that if I can get the outside uncluttered and organized, my thoughts get more organized and and some thoughts actually disappear altogether. I do find list writing very helpful in getting some of the things out of my mind at least ,if not accomplished altogether.
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